Cocktail Advent 6: Wild Cherry Peppermint Cosmo


There’s something about a Cosmo that makes it a great holiday drink. I think it might be the great color from the cranberry juice that makes you think festive.

Image via Devotion Vodka

Image via Devotion Vodka

Devotion Wild Cherry Peppermint Cosmo

  • 2.5 ounces of Devotion Wild Cherry Vodka
  • Dash of Peppermint Schnapps
  • 1.5 ounces of Diet Cranberry Juice

Combine over ice and shake until chilled. Strain into cocktail glass.

Now, I do have an issue with this particular recipe. It’s been shown in at least one study that the artificial sweeteners in diet drinks, when combined with alcohol, effectively get you drunk faster. Basically, the sugar in the regular mixers ‘gets in the way of’ the alcohol entering the bloodstream more than the artificial sweeteners. You still get the same amount of alcohol, you just feel the effects sooner.

There have been very few times I’ve wanted to be intoxicated faster versus enjoying a drink and keeping my faculties fully functioning, so this isn’t a plus, to me. Also, this recipe is being shopped around as a low-cal cocktail (read as: healthier) and, folks, alcohol is brimming with calories. If you want low-cal, drink water. Otherwise, pick a drink that’s worth the calories and enjoy the party.

Do with the information what you will.

***This recipe was provided by a representative of Devotion Vodka. I am not affiliate with the company nor was I compensated for this post, not even with review samples. As always, we encourage responsible refreshment and the use of the Designated Driver. No drunken monkeys, please!***

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