Beach Basset, Beach Basset, Give Me Your Paw!

Just for Fun

Thank you, again, to Oriental Trading for teaming up with us for more Halloween fun!


After Todd’s Luau-themed birthday earlier this year, it’s no surprise that we outfitted Duncan with his own pup-sized Hawaiian shirt.


And a great thing about this doggie Luau Costume is that it could totally work for pup-wear year round, if you were so inclined.

Donning your own Hawaiian shirts is the easiest way to mach your four-legged friend on Halloween, but it’s not the only way to go. There’s the usual grass skirt and coconut bra ensemble, but mermaids are very big right now and it’s possible to find all sorts of clothing to channel your inner Ariel.

Beach Couple


And if you’ve ever felt a little iffy about all the candy being passed around on Halloween, these costumes are a great excuse to pass out floral leis instead!

Our tip of the week is a simple one, and also not just for Halloween: a tired dog is a good dog. Before heading out for Trick or Treating, take Fido on a walk or a romp in the park, or throw a ball around for a while. This gets the extra wiggles out and allows them to be a bit more calm when confronted by crowds. Of course, this can backfire–if you get them too worn out, they may not be able to make the whole circuit. If your dog isn’t exactly known for his stamina, consider decking out a wagon to cart him home in, just in case. (It’s also good far carrying his away-from-home gear).

Episode 15: Summerfeeling


Welcome to another episode of Random Acts Radio 2.0! This one goes out to all the people who would rather not see fall approaching (or having already arrived in some places) but want to hold onto summer with both hands. The music in this episode reminds me of both the languid days of summer–good for planning and relaxing–as well as beach parties to get the blood pumping and ideas churning.

This episode’s playlist:

Absinthe Minded—Adrienne Pierce
Fading—Al Stravinsky
Corbeaux Following—Kobo Town
Give Thanks—JoJoe
Stand By Me—Rouffdraff
Lucy Anne—Little Plastic Stars
Throwin’ It Down Beside the Sea—20 Riverside
Drinks Are On Me—880 South
Lottery—Sam Page
Dance To The Radio—Blade Of Grass 

As always, our thanks go out to all of the artists who make their work available to easily share with you. The music from this episode is from Mevio’s Music Alley. If you like what you hear, use the links, above, to find out more about these artists and show ’em some love. If you don’t like what you hear, let me know!  I can’t improve if I don’t know what the problems are, and constructive criticism is always welcome.

Wishing you creative days!