Cocktail Advent 11: Gingerbread Crunch


I was craving gingerbread just the other day, pondering how one would make a gingerbread syrup, perhaps, to add to their morning coffee. I’ll let you know if I actually give it a whirl. Until then, here’s a beverage more suited to winding down the day than beginning it!

Image via Kilbeggan

Image via Kilbeggan

Kilbeggan® Gingerbread Crunch
Recipe by Gillian Boyle of Fade Street Social in Dublin, Ireland.    

• 1 3/4 parts Kilbeggan® Irish Whiskey
• 1 3/4 parts Freshly Pressed Apple Juice
• 2/3 part Cinnamon Syrup
• 1/3 part Lemon Juice
• 1/4 part Brown Sugar Syrup

For Cocktail:
Add all ingredients into a cocktail shaker. Shake and double strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish rim with crushed gingerbread biscuit and brown sugar.
For Garnish:
Place gingerbread cookies/biscuits in a bag and use a rolling pin to crush. When fine, add brown sugar into mix.

Yup, that outta ’bout do it, don’t you think?

***This recipe was submitted by a representative of Kilbeggan Irish Whiskey. While I was not compensated for this post, I have reviewed Kilbeggan in the past. As always, we encourage responsible refreshment and the use of the Designated Driver. No drunken monkeys, please!***